
Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Studing Veterinary Medicine

Well, i suppose right now that i'm study one of the more amazing career that i could be chosen.  I don't know, but i suppose my choice it can't be better because i can't imagine me doing something different to this.

I have this idea, this feeling that we owe so much to the nature.  Even more, we owe so much to an harmonious world.  For this reasons, i finally get the conviction that there isn't so much things that i can do to fix the mess, and one of the things that i actually can do is studying this career, and trying hard to be good.

About the university?... i like be here, i thought a lot of time that i couldn't do it..  my situation about the preparation to get in wasn't the best...but here we are, in one of the best universities in this country.  Sometimes it'is difficult, because the requirements are so much.  But well,  i try to never forget why i'm wanted to be here... so, i keep trying.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

My worst fear: Having a Blog.

My name is Jocelyn, but i prefer Jossy or Paloma. I'm 24 years old...

I'm a veterinary medicine student. Nonetheless, i studied another career before that i didn't finish. I guess i discovered on the road that the only thing that i want to do is study veterinary...  I love animal, i love all things green, i love lettuce... I like the nature.

It seems took me some time to get here... but like say a song that i like (in spanish): "después de tanto tropezar, dando tumbos he llegado aquí...y no se está tan mal".  I think one should stay where you feel like the right place.

So, it was a short description about me.  I'm doing a english course in university, and i have to practice my english through this. However, i never liked so much the technological things... maybe because i'm so basic...anyway, i suspect this is a great opportunity to practice english and learn...then.....i'll try to do my best.