
Tuesday, 24 May 2011


The area where we develop: Veterinary Medicine have a huge action field.  As a veterinary you can develop in different ways, you can job in so many different places. The problem is the next: there is some areas of our discipline that are full. This is one of the main challenges that our career must overcome, besides the challenge of the social matters and the education.

In our country there are too much schools of veterinary medicine (around thirty), of course this causes a lot of industrial supply and even when the demand probably raises too, this rise it's not enough to respond the needs of the market.  This is a big problem and the solution seems so far, i don't know which it, but i think that a first step is regulate the quantify of universities that impart this career. So this brings us to other challenge: to improve education. These universities not always imparts the best education besides it increase the supply with veterinaries that maybe don't have the best preparation, and i think it goes against of the way that people perceives our career. It fix this problem is a huge challenges because the changes has to came from a state politic, and that is even a bigger problem. 
Finally the more important challenge that i see is the social commitment, i believe there is indispensable that one of the works of our discipline be educate people, teaching people. And i like to believe that is a challenge more easy to overcome, but it's hard to believe when you think that there is just one or two schools that have some subject about ethics.

Well, there is a big path to cover and there is so much challenges that i could be mention.  But i hope that we could be doing it something about it.

Monday, 23 May 2011


I believe that education is a basic right, it's the way that you can put in any level, it’s independent of the money that you have, the place where you leave, of the family that you belong, or your dog, or your say some character that some movie that some day i saw: "the education is power", probably it's one of the most important ways that you can take to develop the person that you expect to be. From the place that i see the things, the education is a big motor of each person, of each country and of, i hope, a better world. The big problem: how good it’s the education that i can get? how good it's the education in this country?

It's sad to say, but the true is that education in this country is a luxury, not a right. If you don't have money the education is going to cost you a lot. It's just like anything you can buy in the mall... It's just a transaction of money. People with a good financial situation pay for good schools and there is almost just a step get into the best universities and in the worst cases, they can pay the better private options. Precisely this is one of the mean problems: the way to get into a public university (that suppose it’s a good option in terms of money and quality). The PSU (the admission system) is a joke, it's so easy pay for it like everything else, if you paid a good school before the path to the university is almost done, of course there is exceptions in every side but i am talking about the general. Besides don' forget the cost, if you don't have enough money to pay the university when you leave it, you have a bill of millions with the inconvenient interest rate... And so, like all this it wasn't enough to make you feel "so happy" if you don't have have to choose a career that be profitable, and of course our country made you this work more "easy"...the government allows that anyone with a capital enough can install a university and make a business...then, when they collapse the system what you really want to study it becomes a problem, especially when you think in your future job that is going to be so hard to get…and don't forge: you are going to have a debt of millions.

So, i could be stay a lot of time mentioning the uncountable problems to this education system, i really don't know how we can't fixed, but i am really sure that the solution it's so far of make of the education a business.
I think that even when exist all this problems against, you can do your best and never let that this drawbacks defined your future. But, it's also true that the silence justified something wrong, that the first step (I think) is notice that the things aren't good...that it's really necessary make the education a right.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Fire Ants...

Solepnosis invicta is some kind of ant called "fire ant", it is native from Brazilian, and like most of the creatures in the world it's under a lot of risks. This is more evident when we consider that it live on rainforest and it's constantly threatens by flood. So, the amazing is that these ants have a spectacular survival tactic, which i'm going to explain now.

This strategy involve entire colonies that when the flood water threatens its nest, this fire ants make some kind of living raft that can travel long distances until reach land or in the worst case until the water flood it. Besides they can breathe for air pocket get trapped between them and around their bodies
The fire ants achieve this locking legs and sometimes also mandibles to form the ship escape.

Studies about it show that the strong to grab hold of one another is on average, four hundred its body weight.

This strategy is so amazing that it has been recorded, and studied a lot. Even it has devised a mathematical model to describe how the fire ants stick together. The important of this is that it could be used to simulated the behaviour in a computer and it could be help to develop co-operative between robots.