I like my university and i like this faculty and I love study this career, it has a lot of good things. Here there is a lot of green areas, and we are in direct contact with animals all the time, and that is amazing. Beside i love that this faculty be so rural, because i think that i am happier without all that technological things. But also it's true that I will study more easy with some improvements. So, i'm going to write about the things that i think make me this time of my life easier and productive, to summarize I just write about the three main “problems”
First: The books!! there is not enough at all, and if you have the lucky of find exactly what you looking for, the library just lend it to you for ONE day. It’s awful. And the best point is that some books are in permanent loan to a few teachers.
Second: There are to much people in the same classroom, problems from this are several. Evidently there is a problem in the amount of teachers and the infrastructure, it’s seems to me that it should not be more than 60 students at one classroom, at least in the other university where I been it works that way.
And finally the funding, it’s more a problem of the entire country, of our educational system and our government. I think is exhausting be worry about no having money to study, be thinking all the time if you can get a scholarship or a loan.
So, i suppose that i don’t going to learn a lot more things if suddenly the university decided implement a new recreational space or change all the computers in the library. But i really think that my academic performance and my life in general will be a little easier if i don’t have to be worry about funding or have to ask a book three days before, just to can get it. I believe that the first step to make progress is understand that it’s not easy been here, that there is a lot of things behind every person and it should be a right could study.