
Tuesday, 5 April 2011

My pets...

People that have a pet can divided in two kinds, i think. First, people who buy a pet and it belong to them in some type of  value object that give some status and seconde, people that believe that a "pet" is just a partner of another species.  I can including myself in the second category. So, I'm going to talk about my three partners of another species in the order that they came to my life.

Firt, came Pelusa, my dog. I found her in the school with my brother that is older than me, and there weren't nobody who could take home. Then, my brother decided to took her to home, and still she is there.
Well, she is the most lazy dog in the world, sometimes when she want to bark, she did it from inside her house because she didn't even want to go out to do it. But she is adorable anyway.

Second, came Tomás..he is the cat of the house. I found some day that i was walking to some job that i had and he was in a sewage, so i couldn't left there. He recovered and today i suspect that he think that he is a human and that the house belong to him. He sleep a lot of time, and when he's not sleeping is because he's doing some stupid thing. The most of the time he is in any place where i be. He kept me company in everything. I love him.

Finally,the newcomer: Pastora, my another dog. She just came to home looking for something to eat and drink and never she left.  I still don't meet she so much, but i know she is so funny, besides she got that pelusa played more.

In conclusion, they are very strange animals, they have personality problems and i love them. 


Claudia Villalobos said...

Since the time that pelusa bark me she makes me feel frightened, I thnik pastora is cute but tomás is so strange, I still remember the time that he go with me to the bathroom hahaha.

Carolina said...

They are so beautiful and don`t worry my pets too are strange animals :S

Miss said...

People that have a pet can divided in two kinds, i think. First, people who buy a pet and it SVA belong to them in some type of value object that SVA give some status and seconde, people that believe that a "pet" is just a partner of another species. I can WF including myself in the second category. So, I'm going to talk about my three partners of another species in the order that they came to my life.

SP Firt, came Pelusa, my dog. I found her in the school with my brother that is older than me, and there weren't WF nobody who could take ^ home. Then, my brother decided to took her to home, and still she is there.
Well, she is the WF most lazy dog in the world, sometimes when she SVA want to bark, she did it from inside her house because she didn't even want to go out to do it. But she is adorable anyway.

Second, came Tomás..he is the cat of the house. I found some day that i was walking to some job that i had and he was in a sewage, so i couldn't left ^ there. He recovered and today i suspect that he SVA think that he is a human and that the house SVA belong to him. He SVA sleep a lot of time, and when he's not sleeping is because he's doing some stupid thing. WW The most of the time he is in any place where i be. He kept me company in everything. I love him.

Finally,the newcomer: Pastora, my WF another dog. She just came to home looking for something to eat and drink and WO never she left. I still TENSE don't meet WW she so much, but i know she is so funny, besides she got that pelusa played more.

In conclusion, they are very strange animals, they have personality problems and i love them.

well done! i see you understood what I meant by structure!! try to re-write the conclusion but the rest is quite nice.

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